Our Team

The founder

Success through perseverance

Kevin completed his Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance) and Master in Applied Finance with Monash University in 2013. As soon as he finished his post graduate degree, he has always been passionate with accounting and taxation. He continued to pursue his craft by being a Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) in 2019 and a Registered Tax Agent in 2022.

Beyond the number, he is a proud father of one who enjoyed his weekly visit to the Melbourne Zoo with his two year old son.


Your success is our goal.

We listen, we care, we do, and most importantly, we deliver. Let us be the partner you have been seeking for.

Founder of nanda partners

Our Team

Meet Our Professionals

Kevin Nanda


Our Offices


551 Swanston Street
Carlton, VIC 3053
0450 541 551


8 Hermes Road
[email protected]
0450 541 551

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