Our Services




Accounting, Bookkeeping, Taxation

Packaged Plans

Choose Your Suitable Plan

Accounting & Bookkeeping

$ 200 / Min. Monthly
  • Training Session
  • Expert Consultant
  • Flexible Schedule
  • Monthly Reconciliation
  • Financial Statements

Individual Tax Return

$ 250 / Return
  • Comprehensive Checklist
  • Expert Consultant
  • Flexible Schedule
  • Professional Report
  • In-depth Summary

Trust & Company Tax Return

$ 500 / Return
  • Comprehensive Checklist
  • Expert Consultant
  • Flexible Schedule
  • Professional Report
  • In-depth Summary

Why Choose Us

Vision to Your Success

Perfect Solutions for All Business

Perfect service for us means where we cater all your business needs. We recommend the best practice from our experiences, but the choice is all yours.

Personalised Solution for All Your Business Needs

We are all just one phone call away. You will always be getting personalised advise from our principal

Our Skills

Integrity in Every Step

We bring expertise and simplicity in everything we do. Having all the professional qualifications and practical knowledge means we can do it all for you, so you do not have to.


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