

Bookkeeping is the practice of recording all financial transactions. We are here for the details, so you can keep doing what you can do best, growing your business!

Bookkeeping can get tedious, but we loved it. We are passionate in making the books work for you and not the other way around. We are flexible in our services as we will fit and accommodate your needs.

We are professional and competent to work with any of bookkeeping software, but we do recommend Xero as our go-to software. We are Certified Xero Advisor, and able to accommodate any of your bookkeeping needs. We highly recommend Xero regardless whether you are starting off from an excel spreadsheet, MYOB, Quickbooks, or any other program as we can help you transition to Xero.

Xero is recommended by us provided that we have used the software for more than 8 years. It is our bread and butter, and thus we can recommend you the best fit scenario to your needs. 

Xero is one of the leading cloud-based accounting/bookkeeping software which means it is very mobile and accessible wherever you are. 

Our picture of a proper bookkeeping system starts where you have absolute trust in the book. It provides all the information you need to make a constructive and informed decision. It is where your payables, receivables, payroll, and BAS obligations are fulfilled. These are all crucial to ensure your financial statements are accurate, while at the same time meet your compliance obligations and healthy relationships with your stakeholders.

Xero Certified Advisor

We are the professional you can rely on. We are also comprehensively competent in accounting and taxation where you can trust that other aspects of your business are covered.

Presently Now

We stay true to what we believe in and here to be your partner. We listen, we care, we do, and most importantly, we deliver.

Frequently Asked Questions

A list of general questions we have received from our friends are listed below. If you have any more question, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will answer your question as best as we can.

Your first consultation is free as we love to know more about you. Do not hesitate to reach out and contact us today!

Our principal, Kevin Nanda will always be your main contact. He will be present from start to end to ensure you have the best service.

We assist most if not all types of client. Whether you need a service for an individual, sole trader, trust, partnership, small business or large business, we are here to help. 

For tax return purposes, our service also covered whether you are an Australian citizen, permanent resident, temporary resident, and working holiday maker.

We work on an agile basis where we will adjust to your needs. All of our clients have been satisfied with our service, so contact us today!

You can contact us today via email at [email protected] or by phone at 0450541551. Talk soon!



Mobile and accessible


High accuracy and integrity


Clean and informative

Ready for a fresh start?

Contact us today, so we can help you. Your new world is one phone call away.

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