About Us


About Us

Good thoughts. Good deeds. Integrity meets excellence.

Started from a humble beginning, growing in the corporate world, we would like to share our expertise and knowledge to the world. 

Everything starts with a positive mindset and good intention. With these principles in mind, supported by our professional qualifications with CPA Australia and Tax Practitioner Board, we are confident to assist any client needs. 

Certified Practising Accountant (CPA)

We are Certified Practising Accountant (CPA). CPA is a finance, accounting and business professional with a specific qualification. Being a CPA is a mark of high professional competence. It indicates a soundness in depth, breadth and quality of accountancy knowledge.

We ensure high integrity and competency in all services we do. On top of our professional qualification, we are also backed by wealth of experiences in the corporate world to give you the perfect service that you need.

Registered Tax Agent

We are Registered Tax Agent. Tax agents must be registered with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB).A tax agent is a qualified professional who can help you prepare and lodge your tax return. You can engage the services of a tax agent either online or face-to-face. You can find us by visting the TPB register.

Using a registered tax agent will provide you with consumer protection as the TPB ensures they:

Your success is our goal. We listen, we care, we do, and most importantly, we deliver. Let us be the partner you have been seeking for.

Kevin Nanda, Founder

Learn more about all our services here

Our Expertise

Exceeding Expectation


We are passionate in making the book works for you, and not the other way around. We get into the details so you don’t have to. We will tailor the solution based on your needs in the cleanest, simplest, and reliable in every way possible.


Accounting is to make sure you get the details that you need to facilitate your best informed decision. We will bring your our professional knowledge and experience to make it work for you. Save time and fees by implementing a system that speaks to you.


We are committed in providing our advisory service to the fullest. Throughout the years of practice, we will offer you the solutions that fit you best. At the end of the day, we work with you to make your dream works.


Get a professional service on your individual tax return. We will assist you in achieving your maximum tax deduction, and make sure you receive what is entitled to you. On top of it, we will also provide you with our recommendations to maximise your tax savings even more.


Whether it is a yearly tax return or a monthly BAS submission, we can do it all. We can assist or prepare all the taxation services you need, from GST, BAS, IAS, PAYG, Payroll Tax, and tax return. We will provide you with our recommended best practice to make sure you are in control. No work is too big or too small, we can be heavily involved on day-to-day or as simple as comprehensive monthly monitoring and review. 

Why Choose Us

The Best Place is where the People understand You Best.

Years Experience

We have all the experience from individual, sole trader, small business, trust, and even companies listed on the stock exchange.

Professional Team

We are comprehensively qualified bookkeeper, accountant, and registered tax agent.

Affordable Price

We focus on you to receive the best outcome for you. We work with clear transparency, and ensure you receive the most efficient services.

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